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CAN Global Growth Balanced


January 31, 2025

A fund that aims to find balance between long-term growth and consistent income.

Is this fund right for you?

  • A person who is investing for the medium to longer term, wants exposure to bonds and stocks and is comfortable with low to Medium risk.
  • Since the fund invests in stocks and bonds anywhere in the world, its value is affected by changes in the interest rates and by stock prices which can rise and fall in a short period of time.

Risk Rating

Risk Rating: Low to Moderate

How is the fund invested? (as of December 31, 2024)

Asset allocation (%)

Name Percent
US Equity 35.8
Foreign Bonds 32.2
International Equity 22.3
Cash and Equivalents 3.5
Canadian Equity 1.3
Domestic Bonds -0.1
Other 5.0

Geographic allocation (%)

Name Percent
Canada 41.8
United States 27.7
Japan 3.7
Germany 2.9
India 2.1
Switzerland 2.0
United Kingdom 1.9
Indonesia 1.9
China 1.6
Other 14.4

Sector allocation (%)

Name Percent
Fixed Income 32.9
Technology 21.1
Financial Services 10.9
Consumer Services 6.8
Healthcare 4.9
Cash and Cash Equivalent 3.5
Consumer Goods 3.4
Industrial Goods 3.3
Industrial Services 2.6
Other 10.6

Growth of $10,000 (since inception)

Data not available based on date of inception

Fund details (as of December 31, 2024)

Top holdings %
CAD Currency 40.0
CDX IG CDSI S43 5Y 12/20/2029 OFFSET 20240920 0.00% 20-Dec-2029 8.2
JPY IRS TONA 8/9/2028 REC FLT 20230810 0.02% 10-Aug-2028 2.9
CDX HY CDSI S43 5Y 12/20/2029 OFFSET 20240920 0.00% 20-Dec-2029 2.9
NVIDIA Corp 2.8
Apple Inc 2.6
Microsoft Corp 2.6
United Kingdom Government 4.13% 22-Jul-2029 2.3 Inc 2.1
Alphabet Inc Cl C 1.7
Total allocation in top holdings 68.1
Portfolio characteristics
Standard deviation 10.1%
Dividend yield 1.1%
Yield to maturity 5.5%
Duration (years) 6.0
Coupon 5.0%
Average credit rating BBB

Understanding returns

Annual compound returns (%)

1 MO 3 MO YTD 1 YR

Calendar year returns (%)

2024 2023 2022 2021
2020 2019 2018 2017

Range of returns over five years

Best return Best period end date Worst return
Worst period end date
Data not available based on date of inception
Average return % of periods with positive returns Number of positive periods Number of negative periods
Data not available based on date of inception

T. Rowe Price Group Inc

Contact information

Toll free: 1-888-252-1847

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For the period {{NAVPSPerformanceSummary.StartDate}} through {{NAVPSPerformanceSummary.EndDate}} with $10,000 CAD investment

Total returns performance

{{NAVPSPerformanceSummary.Growth | customPercentage}}

Last price

{{NAVPSPerformanceSummary.NAVPS | customCurrency}} CAD

as of market close {{NAVPSPerformanceSummary.NAVPSDate}}

Value of $10,000 investment

{{NAVPSPerformanceSummary.GrowthOfTenThousand | customCurrency}} CAD

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